Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Negev Dessert.

Alexis , and I where walking in the Negev dessert on our Middle Eastern trip. So as we where walking i said to Alexis " hey, did you know that the Negev covers half of of Israel?" "Cool!" ,said Alexis. After walking a little more she said "oh, and the highest temperature recorded in July is about 91 degrees f.?" Then I said "..... FACT BATTLE!" " The Negev is (4,700) sq. ft. big." I was surprised at all the things I actually knew about the Negev. Then immediately Alexis came back with. " The lowest Temp. in the Negev is 45." " and then we both stopped and thought.... then in unison we said." The Negev is a big solar power unit!" that was our trip to the Negev.

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