Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Dead Sea

So since we lefted the Jordan Sea we are going to the Dead Sea it is connected to eachother. The Dead Sea is spectacular natural and spirital landscape in the whole world. As we are here we are going to get salt for our food that need to be salted. This sea is the lowest body of water on earth and the lowest point. We got out the boat and we started to swim there is so much salt that you can float. This the worlds richest source of salt. AS we are swimming we notice that there are no fish or plants living in this lake because of all the salt it is so strong. This salt is so bitter and its not like the salt that we eat on our food and stuff. We was talking to this old man he said when they was younger that they use to call the Dead Sea the Stinky Sea.Well now we are going to head to the Tigris and THe Euphrates river.

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